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Gyeongsangbuk-do hosts the 8th Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival
  • date2021-09-24 14:16:48
  • writer Admin [ Admin ☎ ]
Gyeongsangbuk-do hosts the 8th Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival
- Festival gets under way with a pre-Festival program on September 1 (Wed),
main Festival on October 15 (Fri) to October 17 (Sun) -
- Gyeongsangbuk-do organizes online and offline events
using “metaverse” (virtual 3D space) technology -

Gyeongsangbuk-do kicked off this year’s Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival with a pre-Festival program on September 1. The main events for the Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival, which is the only festival in Korea on patriotism and peace, will get under way on October 15 and end on October 17 (3 days).

Already in its 8th year, the Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival hosts its events at the Nakdong River Chilgok-bo Ecological Park, which was the biggest battleground during the Korean War. In conjunction with the 12th Nakdong River Battle Victory Event, which commemorates South Korea’s victory against North Korean forces on the Nakdong River Battle, the Festival will offer much more things to do and see than previous years. In particular, this year’s Festival is unique in that it is a hybrid event with online and offline programs.

During the pre-Festival period from September 1 to October 14, an online festival website using “metaverse” (3D virtual space) technology will be on offer for the first time at a regional-level festival. This metaverse technology will provide an opportunity to experience the Festival’s exhibitions and events for those who are too far away to attend the events in person, or for those who cannot visit the Festival due to concerns over COVID-19. The Festival will also feature something called “XR Studio,” a broadcasting station, to support creative initiatives of students and local residents. XR Studio will allow them to experience cutting-edge technologies such as metaverse (3D virtual space) and virtual reality (VR) technology.

This year’s Festival will go on for three days at the Chilgok-bo Ecological Park and the Chilgok Patriots and Peace Memorial, starting on October 15. A variety of activities and cultural programs, including “From the Chilgok,” where the heroes of the Nakdonggang River meet and talk in a metaverse space, “55 Days of Memory,” where you can experience the pain of the Korean War with XR content, and “55 Days,” a featured real-time musical, will be available throughout the duration of the Festival.

Moreover, from September 15 to October 17, the Festival will showcase installation artworks symbolizing peace and patriotism (theme: “Patriotic Day and Peaceful Night”) at the Patriots Square inside the Chilgok Patriots and Peace Memorial as part of its “Nakdonggang River Patriotism and Peace Exhibition.”

The head of Gyeongsangbuk-do’s Division of Social Welfare and Service, said, “This grand festival has an eye on the future, and it uses the latest cutting-edge technology. We will try to engage more local residents and visitors with a wider variety of content both online and offline.” He added, “With the Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival, we hope to share the pain of war with the public, and do our best in communicating the importance of peace across the world.”

Event Information
❍ Event Name: The 8th Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival
❍ Slogan: From the Chilgok
❍ Period
- Pre-Festival Program: September 1 (Wed), 2021 ~ October 14 (Thu), 2021 (44 days)
- Main Festival: October 15 (Fri), 2021 ~ October 17 (Sun), 2021 (3 days)
❍ Venue: Chilgok-bo Ecological Park / Chilgok Patriots and Peace Memorial, and online channel
❍ Host/Supervision: Gyeongsangbuk-do, Chilgok-gun / Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival Promotion Committee

Key Programs
❍ Pre-Festival Program (September 1 ~ October 14)
・ Metaverse Festival: Online metaverse channel for the Festival available
・ XR Studio: Immersive metaverse channel available
・ Art Bus: Visiting art performances
❍ Main Festival (October 15 ~ October 17)
・ Immersive Exhibition Content: From the Chilgok, 55 Days of Memory, Our Heart, etc.
・ Performance Programs: Grand Opening Ceremony, featured real-time musical “55 Days,” etc.
・ Linked Events: Hoguk-ro Walking Program, Nakdonggang River Patriotism and Peace Exhibition, etc.
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