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Best way to recharge your depleted batteries, “Wellness Trip across Gyeongsangbuk-do”
  • date2021-11-15 10:55:00
  • writer Admin [ Admin ☎ ]
Best way to recharge your depleted batteries, “Wellness Trip across Gyeongsangbuk-do”
- Gyeongsangbuk-do to participate in the “Korea Wellness Tourism Festa” hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization
- Wide variety of benefits on offer in November: Gyeongbuk Wellness Stay, Gyeongbuk e-Nuri, tourism products (focusing on rest and recuperation), etc.

On November 3, Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do Culture and Tourism Organization announced their plans to host various wellness-related events across Gyeongsangbuk-do in time for the inaugural Korea Wellness Tourism Festa (November 6 ~ November 28) hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization.

Key events will include the “Gyeongbuk Wellness Stay” program, a luxury wellness tour program, a special exhibition for tourism products focusing on rest and recuperation, and a showcase for Gyeongbuk e-Nuri tourism products.

“Gyeongbuk Wellness Stay” is an immersive program designed to help people control their minds, which may have been depleted from the daily grind, overcome stress, and recover, giving them a chance to return to real-life healthy and energized.

The program will stretch across three days at the Uljin Geumgangsong Ecorium and the National Center for Forest Therapy in Yeongju (Daslim), and feature a variety of content aimed at boosting the body’s immune system and promoting health. Gyeongbuk Wellness Stay will be an excellent opportunity to enjoy the Geumgangsong Pine Trees and dense forests of Gyeongsangbuk-do.
※ Uljin Geumgangsong Ecorium (November 12 ~ 14), National Center for Forest Therapy in Yeongju (November 19 ~ 21)

Gyeongsangbuk-do is looking to emerge as a new tourist destination with more entertaining programs to choose from, including “untact” real-time programs, “healing” led by professionals (Wellness Liberal Arts Concert, Healing Equipment Program, and Wellness Home Training Program), and various other events (Live Talk for Love, Dalgona Mission Game, etc.).
Moreover, Gyeongsangbuk-do will boost public awareness and promote the excellence of Gyeongbuk Wellness Tourism products to help revitalize the local tourism industry and the local economy suffering from the ongoing effects of COVID-19. In doing so, it also hopes to sell Gyeongbuk Healing Tourism products at very reasonable prices.

Hana Tour is hosting a special promotion for Gyeongsangbuk-do Healing Tourism products (www.hanatour.com), and Gyeongbuk e-Nuri tourism products are available at up to 50% discounted prices (Coupang, Timon, 11st, Gmarket, etc.) during the month of November.

Kim Sang-cheol, director of Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau at the Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Government, said, “The government’s progressive policy to resume normal daily activities in November is very welcome news at a time where tourism has ground to a halt because of COVID-19.” He added, “In line with government policies, Gyeongsangbuk-do will promote and market wellness tourism products designed to help tourists rest and recuperate from their daily lives.”

Meanwhile, for more information on travel products focusing on rest and healing across Gyeongsangbuk-do, please visit the local wellness tourism events page on the official website for the Korea Wellness Tourism Festa(www.wellnessfesta.kr/).

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