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Foreign Residents

Foreign Residents

All foreigners wishing to enter South Korea must hold a valid passport and a visa issued by the Ministry of Justice. They should regularly check the expiration dates of their passport and visa. If they apply for an extension of stay after the expiration date, a fine will be imposed.

  • Depending on the length of stay, it is categorized into short-term, long-term, and permanent residence.
    • Short-term stay : 90 days or less
    • Long-term stay : 91 days or more
    • Permanent residence : No limit on the period of stay

The date on the visa is the expiration date of your stay.

The date on the bottom right corner of your Alien Registration Card is the expiration date of your stay.

If you have extended your stay, you can check the expiration date on the back of your Alien Registration Card.

For long-term residents and permanent residents, you must register as an alien or report your domestic residence within 90 days from the date of entry.

Foreigner Registration Flowchart

  • Applicant
      • Registration Time
        • Within 90 days from the date of entry
        • For foreigners who have been granted a stay qualification or a change in stay status, from the time the approval is granted
      • Attachments
        • Application form
        • Passport
        • 1 natural color photo (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm)
        • Required documents according to the stay status
        • Fee: KRW 30,000 (cash only)
    • Accepting foreign registration applications
      Local immigration and alien affairs offices
    • Issue an alien registration card
      Alien Registration Stamp

Foreigners Subject to Registration

  • Foreigners who intend to stay in South Korea for more than 90 days from the date of entry.
  • Foreigners who have lost their South Korean citizenship and acquired a foreign nationality, or foreigners born in Korea who have been granted a status of residence and intend to stay in South Korea for more than 90 days from that date.
  • Exemptions from Alien Registration - The following foreigners are exempt from alien registration:
    • Diplomatic, official, and treaty workers and their family members (A-1, A-2, A-3)
    • Persons engaged in diplomatic, industrial, or national defense affairs and their family members, and other aliens deemed by the Minister of Justice to be specifically exempt from alien registration
    • Foreigners from Canada who wish to stay for less than 6 months and are engaged in the following activities → Cultural and Artistic (D-1), Religious (D-6), Visiting and Living Together (F-1), Dependent (F-3), Other (G-1)
    • Registered aliens under 17 years of age (must register as an alien within 90 days of turning 17)

Foreign Registration Period

  • Foreigners wishing to stay in South Korea for more than 90 days
    • Within 90 days from the date of entry
  • Foreigners who have been granted stay qualification or a change in stay status
    • At the time of receiving the approval (immediately)
  • Example) If a Canadian national holding a B-2 (Tourist/Transit) visa applies for a change of stay status after a 5-month stay, they must complete foreign registration at the time of applying for the change of stay status.

For detailed information on foreign registration, entry permits, and other immigration-related matters, please refer to the Korean Immigration Office website (www.immigration.go.kr) or the Hi Korea website (www.hikorea.go.kr), or contact 1345 for inquiries.