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경상북도 게시판
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This is a table of press releases organized by the number, title, author, number of views, and date.
번호 제목 작성자 조회 작성일
23 Dokdo issue sparks cultural events Admin 439 05-05-16
21 Gyeongsangbuk-do severs sisterhood with Sinema prefecture Admin 427 05-03-31
20 Govt to build new towns around six industrial clusters Admin 430 05-03-31
22 Visits to Dokdo in boom Admin 453 05-03-31
19 Statement Admin 530 05-03-17
18 Striving to attract more investment Admin 436 05-02-28
17 Public Statement on Dok-do dispute Admin 446 05-02-24
16 Scientists unveil DNA TB vaccine Admin 437 05-02-14
15 Korean scientists find ‘pupil of plants Admin 451 05-02-04
14 Gyeongbuk Attracts 5.6 Bil. in Foreign Investment in 5 Year Admin 507 04-12-16