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경상북도 게시판
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This is a table of press releases organized by the number, title, author, number of views, and date.
번호 제목 작성자 조회 작성일
183 Disease Threat Level Lowered on October 12 Admin 686 20-10-23
182 October is “Dokdo Month”! Commemorating the 120th anniver... Admin 783 20-10-13
181 Gyeongsangbuk-do Government pushes its development of SMEs ... Admin 688 20-09-29
180 Gyeongsangbuk-do submits application to nominate Gaya Tumul... Admin 711 20-09-18
179 Sending a message to the Taekwondo family around the world ... Admin 717 20-08-20
178 Ulleungdo and Dokdo, two of nature’s best ecology laborato... Admin 709 20-08-11
177 “Robot Taekwon V” in the East Sea! Admin 655 20-07-30
176 Pohang Blue Valley National Industrial Complex Vitalizes La... Admin 626 20-07-28
175 Gyeongbuk-do visiting companies for reshoring as a vital sub Admin 644 20-07-06
174 Gyeongsangbuk-do signs MOU to create a Hydrogen Fuel Cell P... Admin 693 20-06-11