<%-- /** *
* Filename	:survey_test.jsp
* Comment	:	¿©·ÐÁ¶»ç °ü¸® ¸®½ºÆ®
* History		:	 2004/07/22, ±è¹ÎÀÚ. v1.0. óÀ½ÀÛ¼º
* @version : 1.0 * @author Copyright (c) 2004 by Intmoa Crop. All Right Reserved. */ --%> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=euc-kr" %> <%@ page import="java.sql.*, java.io.*, java.util.*,java.text.SimpleDateFormat, javax.naming.*, javax.sql.*, javax.servlet.*,util.*,research.*" %> <% response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); ResearchData bbs = null; ResearchItemData td = null; Connection con = null; StringBuffer sqlResult = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Vector List = null; // °Ô½Ã¹° ¸®½ºÆ® Ç׸ñÀ» ´ãÀ» Vector String research=""; String usr_chk = ""; String Subject = ""; String header=""; String content=""; String sdate=""; String edate=""; String itemcode=""; //¼³¹®°íÀ¯¹øÈ£ String itemseq=""; String ex_type=""; String sel_type=""; String input_type=""; String sbj_name1=""; String sbj_name2=""; String sbj_name3=""; String date_chk=""; //³¯Â¥ üũ String[] bogi=null; String[] sbj=null; int[] result = null; int[] percent = null; String returnUrl=""; int ex_count=0; int sel_num=0; int list_size = 0; int ex_num=0; int quest_num=0; int resultMax=0; int resultTotal=0; String cont1=""; String cont2=""; String cont3=""; String tableSess = "SURVEY";//Å×ÀÌºí ¼¼¼Ç // boolean isAdmin = false; // °ü¸®ÀÚ ¿©ºÎ.. String adminKey = TUtil.objectToBaseStr(session.getAttribute(tableSess),""); String whois = TUtil.objectToBaseStr(session.getAttribute("whois"),""); // °ü¸®ÀÚ ±¸ºÐ.. //if ( "ok".equals(adminKey) || "total_admin".equals(whois) ) // isAdmin = true; //if ( !isAdmin ) { %><%// } RegisterNoFilter reg = new RegisterNoFilter(); ResearchItemList bList = new ResearchItemList(); // °Ô½ÃÆÇ ¸®½ºÆ® µ¥ÀÌŸ¸¦ °¡Á®¿À´Â Class research = TUtil.nullTobaseStr(request.getParameter("RESEARCH"),"5"); itemcode = TUtil.nullTobaseStr(request.getParameter("item_code"),"1"); Research conf = new Research(); bbs = conf.getResearchDataList(research); String title = TUtil.nullTobaseStr(bbs.R_SUBJECT,"¼³¹®Á¦¸ñÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù."); content = TUtil.ViewCont(bbs.R_CONTENT); sdate = TUtil.nullTobaseStr(bbs.R_SDATE,""); edate = TUtil.nullTobaseStr(bbs.R_EDATE,""); List = bList.r_list( research,"1",bbs ); // °Ô½Ã¹° ¸®½ºÆ® µ¥ÀÌŸ¸¦ Vector ¿¡ ³Ö´Â´Ù list_size = List.size(); if (!"71".equals(research)){ %> <%=title%>
[¼³¹®±â°£] <%=sdate%> ~ <%=edate%>
<% try { int i =0 ; con = DBConnection.getGBConnection(); try { sqlResult =new StringBuffer(); sqlResult.append(" SELECT R_CONT1, R_CONT2,R_CONT3 ") .append("FROM GB_RESEARCH_RESULT ") .append("WHERE R_NUM='"+research+"' ") .append("AND R_ITEMNUM='"+itemcode+"' ") .append("AND R_CONT1 || R_CONT2 || R_CONT3 is not null "); stmt = con.createStatement(); rs= stmt.executeQuery(sqlResult.toString()); while(rs.next()) { if(i == 0 ) { out.println(""); } }//end of try catch(SQLException sqle) { System.out.println("¿À·ù="+"/open_content/participation/online_survey/survey_sbj_result.jsp"); }//end of catch(SQLException esql) catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("¿À·ù="+"/open_content/participation/online_survey/survey_sbj_result.jsp"); }//end of catch(Exception e) }//end of try catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("¿À·ù="+"/open_content/participation/online_survey/survey_sbj_result.jsp"); } finally { if(rs != null) try{ rs.close();} catch(Exception ex) {System.out.println("¿À·ù="+"/open_content/participation/online_survey/survey_sbj_result.jsp");} if(stmt != null) try{ stmt.close();} catch(Exception ex) {System.out.println("¿À·ù="+"/open_content/participation/online_survey/survey_sbj_result.jsp");} if(con != null) try{ con.close();} catch(Exception ex) {System.out.println("¿À·ù="+"/open_content/participation/online_survey/survey_sbj_result.jsp");} } %>
<% } %>